Next Thursday指的是哪一天?误解差点失去工作机会
我们先一起读一则新闻,学习一下the following week的含义。然后,我通过一个实例分享一下由于错误理解next Thursday的意思差点失去工作机会。
"Ontario will reopen the majority of its shuttered schools on Monday, while those in Toronto, Peel Region and York Region will resume in-person learning the following week."
"the following week" 的英文注释:
the week immediately following whatever week has just been mentioned
翻译:"the following week”指的是刚刚提及的任何一周的下一周。
同样,"the following day" or "the following year" is the day or the year after the one you have just mentioned.
所以,根据上下文,我把 the following week按照我们汉语的习惯翻译成"下下周"更容易理解。原文中的 the following week是相对于 Monday (February 8th) 这周而言的,指的是 February 8th 这周之后的下一周 (the week immediately following whatever week has just been mentioned).
说明:二月的第三个星期一 (the third Monday in February) 是Family Day,是Alberta (阿尔伯特省), British Columbia (卑诗省), New Brunswick (新不伦瑞克省), Ontario (安省), Saskatchewan (萨省) 的公共假日,所以,当地人一般都知道学生的返校日期是February 16.
总结:the following week 指的是刚刚提及的这一周的下一周,需要根据上下文语境理解。
英语非母语的学习者对英语中last, next等时间词的理解,由于文化不同,常常引起歧义。比如,汉语中所说的“上周一”指的是我们所处的这周之前一周的周一,而英语中的last Monday则可能有两种含义。如果说话时是周四以后,那么,last Monday常指的是刚刚过去的周一;如果说话时是周二或者周三,last Monday指的是上周的周一。同样,next Thursday/Friday也有两种含义,具体要看说话时所处的时间。如果说话时是周一,那么,next Thursday/Friday 就有可能指的是所处这周的周四/五, 也就是离的最近的周四/五。如果说话时是周三,next Thursday/Friday指的是下一周的周四/五。
我曾经问同事,为什么周一说话时, next Thursday常指本周周四,而周三说话时,next Thursday却指的是下周的周四。我同事解释说,如果说话时是周三,周四就是tomorrow, 肯定不会用next Thursday. 真是够复杂的!
工作或生活中遇到这种容易引起歧义的情况,该怎么办呢?最好的办法就是和对方确认一下具体的日期 (date)。我一朋友某周一(Monday)收到邮件通知她电话面试,时间是10:00 am next Thursday, 没有写具体date. 一开始,朋友非常肯定是下周的周四,还很高兴地对我说她有足够的时间准备面试。我说不一定,最好是发个邮件确认一下具体的日期, 朋友就发了邮件询问HR指的是this coming Thursday, July 9th or Thursday, July 16th? HR回复是this coming Thursday. 后来朋友说,幸亏发了邮件,不然的话,她一定会错过面试的,从而也就失去了工作机会。今天朋友把邮件截屏发给了我,但为了尊重朋友的隐私,我就不贴邮件截屏了,仅把大意写在下面:
Thank you so much for your interest in joining the ABC team as a (position). I would like to schedule a 15 – 20 minute phone interview with you prior to an in-person one. Please let me know if 10:00 am next Thursday works for you. I also need to know the best number to reach you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
1. reopen [ˌriːˈəʊpən] v. 重新开业,重新开放(商店、剧场等),再次开始,恢复
The store will reopen at 9 a.m. on March 8. 商店将于三月8号上午9点重新开业。
2. majority [məˈdʒɒrəti] n. 大部分,大多数
In the teaching profession, women are in the majority. 女性在教师行业中占大多数。
3. shuttered [ˈʃʌtəd] adj. 关闭的
Schools and government offices have been shuttered. 学校和政府办公楼都关闭了。
4. resume [rɪˈzjuːm] v. 重新开始,(中断后)继续
to resume talks 重新进行会谈
5. in-person [ɪn ˈpɜːsn] 合成形容词:亲自的,亲身的,当面的,在场的
in-person learning 线下学习,面对面学习